Mimo – Easy, Compact Monitors | NewsWatch Review
Mimo - Easy, Compact Monitors | NewsWatch Review from NewsWatch Television on Vimeo.
Tech Report
When it comes to professional touch and non-touch monitors, many people think the bigger the better. But sometimes, you want a monitor with a small footprint at the right cost. That’s where Mimo monitors comes in.
Let’s say you want to place a touchscreen monitor on a desk in your video conference room to control the main display; or maybe you want a monitor at your check out counter as a point-of-sale option; or perhaps even if you’re doing work outdoors and don’t want to haul around a 23-inch-display but you need a reliable device –Mimo monitors offers a wide variety of size and a lot of style options that can be customized to match your company’s needs. Not only that, but they’ve simplified the entire design by only needing one USB cable per monitor. And they’re focused on providing quality customer service – so if you have a project that requires customization, they have a team of engineers that will work with you to get the project done to your specifications.
According to their website: “Mimo Monitors has been offering technology solutions to a wide range of businesses and consumers for many years. Our monitors offer the smallest footprint and lowest cost of entry into touchscreen functionality. Innovative technology combines video, touch, and power into one USB connection. Simple, proven, and secure: One cable does it all. Connect as many as 14 touch enabled displays to one computing device, without upgrading your video card.” So if you are looking for an easy to use, consistent, and compact piece of technology, Mimo is what you need.
So whether you’re a fortune 500 company like Google or a smaller business, check them out at MimoMonitors.com today.